Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I'm done!

Making Christmas cards that is! For the last 8 yrs or so, I've made some of my cards. I give them to my special close friends. I've learned a lot over the years. One is to start early. I sometimes am making cards in July and get strange looks from people who come over but adding stress to an already stressful( but fun) time of  year is not good. Two is only make one type of card. The first year I made cards I must have made 10 different designs. It took forever and used up a lot of my ideas in one year! With only one design you can do them production line style and it goes so much faster. Three is don't add embellishments that stick up and require special treatment in the mail. It's costly and the postmaster will start to hide when she sees you coming ;) So there are my tips for cardmaking. You all should try it sometime--it's fun!


  1. These are so cute!! I am in awe of your talent. I bet your friends really enjoy getting such a thoughtful and unique card.

  2. These are adorable and I'm with Bobbi in awe of your talent.

  3. So cute - love them! Your friends are lucky!
