Monday, March 8, 2010

Back on track :)

The last two weeks have been crazy hectic. Lots of unplanned for things came up--like waking up when it was snowy and finding it was only 64 degrees in the house!! Discovering we were out of fuel oil and the company telling us they can't get the truck back our private road! Finally getting the oil and then the furnace not working right!! Then having oldest son hit a huge pothole and getting a flat tire and having no spare! On the expressway. At rush hour! It's been fun--lol Happily we now have furnace back on track , snow has melted and the sun is shining and son had new tire ! Anyway I have missed being here with all you sweet ladies and sharing pix with you all. I don't even know what the topic is for the this week so forgive just some pictures of Bella's new "do" She went from dowdy to diva!

You would think, by looking at her face, that she hates to go to "spa day" but she actually likes the groomers and she loves the fact that on the way home we always stop by Mcdonalds and get her some mcnuggets for her to share with her sister Molly, my cocker spaniel. They aren't spoiled now are they;)

It's nice to be back and I hope to be able to stay on track with this. Oh and my dh got me a surprise--totally unexpected but very happily received! An 85 1.4 g lens! I love it! And him of course!


  1. That's quite a before-and-after! And what a nice surprise from your DH!!

  2. those puppy dog eyes! I also love your set up in the first one. And the DOF in the second shot......LOVE!! What a cute pooch. Congrats on your new glass. How exciting.

  3. Wow! Why is it that mishaps always bunch together? I'm glad you got it all taken care of. Your Bella is darling! Cute, cute!

  4. Wow you sure had a lot happen fast! Glad the sun is shining agian. Cute pix!

  5. Love that second photo. Great capture of a sweet face!

  6. As they say - 'when it rains, it pours' with life's bumps. Good to hear that your furnace is back on track, along with your son's vehicle. And those puppy eyes and chagrined expression - too cute. Congrats on the 85 mm.

  7. Glad everything is back to normal for you and your family - love Bella's new do - though she was adorable before too!

  8. Aww, she is precious! I loved her "dowdy" 'do, but she looks so spiffy with her new haircut!

  9. You HAVE had a lot going on. Eeks! Glad things are getting back on track. The pooch looks so cute (your explanation of her facial expressions were fantastic!), and enjoy that new lens! :)
