Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I'm excited!

My husband's work was holding a contest for pictures to put in a calendar. The top 3 won gift cards the other 16 will just be in the calendar. I didn't win one of the top 3 but I WILL be in the calendar. I'm thrilled. I've only been learning how to use a dslr for a year but I've read and learned and had a lot of patience trying to get focus, exposure and everything right. I've got a whole lot to learn but it's nice to know once in a while it all comes together and I get a good shot. I've got to shout out a big THANK YOU to you peas as I have leaned a ton here.


  1. Whoo YEAH!!! You are PUBLISHED, that is awesome! Congratulations, it is a GORGEOUS photo!

  2. Congratulations!!!! Isn't that the best feeling in the world when someone else appreciates your photos in a real-world way? Wonderful shot, Joanne!!!

  3. Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful shot and Congratulations!

  4. Beautiful shot!! Well deserved!!

  5. That is an incredible shot! Congratulations on it being picked to be in the calendar!!!

  6. That is so great that your photo will be in the calendar. And I love that shot! Amazing!

  7. Awesome. I just love the hummingbird so pretty and colorful.

  8. This is stunning! You deserve it to be chosen! Congrats!!

  9. Congrats and that is a gorgeous shot!

  10. Congratulations, and your shot is truly fantastic! Very nice DOF, and the focus is wonderfully sharp around the eye. And what a great subject!
