Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Look what I found!

I could not believe it when I saw these this morning! Spring has come at last! It has been so nice this week with warm weather and sunshine and I've enjoyed sitting on the deck --which is one of my simple pleasures. These little beauties sure brightened my day . I also found daffodils and tulips popping up through the ground so they will be around soon too.


  1. Yea!!!! Love that last one--it looks like it has gathered all the sunshine inside itself.

  2. Oh lucky you! Delicious bokeh on the first one. But really they are all lovely.

  3. Wahooo!! That is such a beautiful sight! I haven't seen any in my yard yet... I keep looking though! :)

  4. Lovely! I adore the first signs of spring, these are beautiful!

  5. Yipee for spring! I haven't seen it around here yet but I'm sure enjoying it here on your blog!

  6. Beuatiful photo's! I love them all but the 2nd is my favorite. Hopefully spring is here to stay!

  7. So so jealous here!!! Wish I would see signs like that on my lawn!! Beautiful captures!

  8. Beautiful Spring surprises. We've really warmed up and are now getting rain rain rain - so hopefully in a week or so we'll starting getting some of these.

  9. Yay Spring. They look so pretty popping up.

  10. oh Happy Day! What a great sight! Hopefully, many more flowers will be making an appearance soon as well.

  11. oh lovely spring! such sweet surprises :)
