Thursday, April 22, 2010

Brown mustard

I always thought that these weeds made my allergies flare up. But yesterday while I was taking some shots in the state park behind our home, a ranger stopped by to chat. He told me no, that these were not the culprits. I guess there are a lot of things that come out in the spring at the same time and many do make you sneeze but not these. I learned something new!


  1. Again, a weed turned into art! Love the lighting in this shot, and very nice DOF.

  2. What a gorgeous weed :) I love the color.

  3. Oooh! That is a pretty yellow, just like mustard! Love it.

  4. Pretty weeds - and despite the ranger's suggestion that they are not the culprit to your allergies - I would venture a guess that they are playing a supporting role.

  5. They're pretty, what are they? Glad to hear that they aren't the cause of your allergies.

  6. We have them in the parks around here too. I have no idea what they are, though. Very pretty, though!

  7. So delicate and so beautiful! Great shot!

  8. oh how I LOVE yellow, great comp :)

  9. Love the composition of that shot. Such a pretty color, too.
