Thursday, March 11, 2010

Doing this blog has made me look for things to take pictures of everyday. In doing so it has given me an appreciation for things I might not have taken the time to see .Like raindrops on a crocus

or made me wonder what kind of insect made holes in a leaf

or that buds were coming on my lilac bush.

I may never be as good a photography as I'd like but I am very very thankful for doing this blog and seeing all these little pleasures.


  1. These are some beautiful shots. Love how you mentioned that you have noticed more of the sights around you as you've been photographing things. That's so true!

  2. That last one is gorgeous! I love the buttery DOF you captured. If you shoot everyday you will see your shots getting better and better. Your eyes will be opened to new ideas for creative compositions, etc too. It's fun to look back on photos over the year and see how I've progressed. Even in my processing. :)

  3. Love these. And I'm like you, photography has made me slow down and really look at and SEE things much more closely that I used to.

  4. Very nice collection of goodies. I never paid a great deal of attention to clouds - and now I'm fascinated by them (as well as many little or detailed things).

  5. Wonderful shots! I esp like the dof in the last shot oh and the texture of that great red wood :)

  6. Really cool DOF in your last shot! Wonderful signs of spring!

  7. I love the crocus and the DOF in your last shot is wonderful.

  8. These are wonderful!!! I am so overjoyed to see all these little signs of spring popping up everywhere!

  9. It is so true that photography makes us think outside the box!! Great shots!

  10. Very nice! It's so true that photography develops our eye for detail, for composition, and our appreciation for beauty in all its diverse forms. I really like that bud shot!

  11. What beautiful pleasures they are. Love the shot of the little bud.

  12. These are beautiful! I love the leaf and I love that first shot but they're all just awesome!
