Friday, March 12, 2010

foggy morning

Woke up this morning to find it very foggy. By the time it lightened up to get the camera much of it had burned off but this is what I got. I have wanted to get to shoot some fog pictures. Maybe next time!


  1. It was really foggy here this morning as well - but I was just too lazy to pack my stuff and head out for some pictures. Its raining right now, so perhaps it will result in another foggy morning tomorrow when I don't have to get kids up and out to school - and I can get my butt in gear. Good for you for getting out and capturing what you could - like the trees with the fence.

  2. Love how you can see the sun coming through the trees.

  3. So pretty and serene! I love that little sliver of sunshine peeking through. :)

  4. I like this shot. It doesn't feel wintery even though the trees are still bare.

  5. I can't help but imagine what a transformation there will be in this view in just weeks from now!

  6. Very pretty picture! Gorgeous!
