Monday, March 15, 2010

so this week's theme is human body---hmmm that could get interesting--lol! I decided to do my eye. I have 3 siblings , my brother has blue eyes, both my sisters have brown . I got the only green ones. In my own family, 3 of my kids have brown eyes and only one, my oldest son has green. I think we're special ;) This was taken with my macro 50 2.8.


  1. What a gorgeous color! I come from a family of all brown-eyes folks, so I'd agree - you're definitely special! Great detail in the pic!

  2. Beautiful eye! I have brown and all my kids are blue. It's funny how differnt families eye colors can be.

  3. Beautiful color! My son has green eyes with flecks of gold, but yours is more of a pure green. Nice face to go with the eyes!

  4. Cool shot! You have beautiful eyes.

  5. Beautiful eye!! Lovely color!

  6. Wonderful detail on your eye!! Love that color.

  7. beautiful! My bro has dark green eyes, my sis has light green eyes (from mom) and I'm the only one with blue (from my dad)...funny how that happens :)
